Saturday, December 3, 2011

Getting started

Okay, time to set up a personal profile on an internet dating site. In high school, it wasn't easy to find a date, but at least I knew the guy I wanted to date, at least a little...Now, you put yourself out there, and get responses from people who you would never have the opportunity to meet naturally. I think this is a double-edged sword. Okay, so I picked initially picked a site that other people I know have used. It is free and I have seen some good results. I wrote my profile according to the guide and indicated my preferences. Okay time to launch...What do I get?

Here are some of the initial emails I received (yes, these are actual responses):

"hello there like your profil, and hope you get to move soon, like to meet you, "

"hello there" (yes, this is really all that was in the body of the message)

"Want to play hide and seek" (really? isn't hiding online kind of easy? How about getting to know each other so that I know who I am seeking? Just a thought...)

"oh hello there???" (Really, that was all you could come up with.)

However these men get more points that the ones who just send me a note that they are interested in me without any text at all. Look, I know that there is an element of risk in writing to someone, I have taken the risk. If you want to get to know me, then you HAVE to be willing to take the risk of rejection. Letting me know that you are interested in me is not enough of a risk for me to take the risk to respond. 

Thank you, come again! 

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